Arles sur Tech (France)

Geographical position:
South of France 40 km south of Perpignan and 30 minutes from Spain.

Pyrénées-Orientales, France

Size: 28.82 km²

Number of inhabitants: 2.800

Altitude: 226 m


MARCE Marlène
Mairie 66150 Arles sur Tech

Tel: 04 68 39 12 22

Iron in Arles sur Tech
The Ring
Iron in Arles sur Tech

We can dissociate the mining pass of Arles sur Tech from the Mines of Batère. These are located in the towen of Corsavy. In 1897, Mr Josep-Pierre MONIN, forge master in Arles sur Tech, acquiresd the mines and following the redemption of ten other adjoining concessions, created the Batère limites company en 1898.

Around 1900, Mr MONIN built a mansion, the „Villa de las Indis“ which since 1936 is the current City Hall. Together with his wife, they were also the owner-builders of current post office, which was then a private school for miners‘ children.

Before 1915, the ore of Batère was transported on the back of mules but with the growning exploitation, he built an aerial cable connecting Batère to the Carreau de la Mine from Arles sur TEch. The Ore was processed in the rooster furnances and transported to the other areas by rail ( before 1940, the date of the greatest flood in the area) and later by the road. The mine of Batère closed in 1986.

In 1998, the „Association des Anciens Mineurs de Batère“ in relation with the municipality and the professionals of

„CAPEB 66“ created the „Association de Ferronnerie Catalane“ It organize the European Meeting of Ironwork Art with the participation of about 200 blacksmiths. The events takes place on the 3rd weekend of October everye 2 years. The forging demonstrations take place at de foot of the tils kilns at Carreau de la Mine.


Romanesque city in the heart of Vallespir, Arles sur Tech invites you to discover its sunny squares, its médieval streets, its beautiful houses wrought iron balconies and gateways, its old wash houses, withnesses of rich historical past…

As you walk along, discover the Benedictine Abbey with all its treasures : its Gothic cloister of sober elegance, its abbey church, its Romanesques frescoes, its baroque altarpieces and greats Schmidt organ from the 18th century.

Of the forecourt of the church, a sarcophagus of the fourth century coutains very pure water since it housed the relics of Saints Abdon and Sennen, patrons of Arles.

In the cloister, you will find the „Creu del gra“ wrought iron cross witness of the past rich know-how of the ironworkers placed in this place to protect it.

While walking on the village, you will discover many balconies testifying to the of the iron which assures the former reputation of Arles.

The Ring

The association Ring of the European Cities of Iron Works created in Arles sur Tech in 2001.

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